If you want a good payable job be creative. If you want to be the entrepreneur be innovative...If you want to be different then be creative !!! If you want to show yourself to others be creative !!! If you want to..... If you want to .....Blahhhhh....BlaHHHH....BLahhhh....
We all have been hearing this from every individual whom we often consider as a motivational person, but seriously is it to simple to be creative ????
Yes, the answer is a big big YES !!! For me CrEaTiVItY is nothing but a feeling.It is as simple as the flow of air around you. Indeed it is an art, but more of it is you ....yes you yourself...No book, person or internet on this earth can make you a creative professional, it is only you, your original self. Just go deep inside yourself and feel the immense power of this ability that you have got. I can challenge, no drug no sedative has got the potential to give you the feeling of pleasure which your creative thoughts can give.
While Surfing the net I came across a definition of creativity , "The ability to transcend traditional ideas and to create meaningful new ideas". What do you think about this statement? I totally disagree with this relating to the present scenario. Creativity is not just ideas ......it is much much broader term.....one doesn't even require an idea to be creative....creativity flows in just as the blood flows from heart to the various parts of body.
Launch your creativity.A new thought wont kill you, but might make an incredible difference. Let us see how do you define your creativity here.....and remember Creativity never sleeps.
Thanks RB for your article.
MBA Diaries Team
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